Mahindra Logistics successfully trains 10,000 drivers across India under PMKVY

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Jaipur : Mahindra Logistics successfully trained 10,000 drivers across the country as a part of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMVKY). The training, conducted at over 229 locations, focused on sensitizing, training and empowering drivers about safety and security. 594 drivers were trained in Rajasthan. The company took it upon itself to train 10,000 drivers in one year.

The defensive driver program aimed at enabling and mobilizing a large number of drivers to drive responsibly, understand vehicle condition and statutory compliances, safe driving in diverse conditions, behavioral training, stress management and communication. 

Some of the key training aspects included Road Safety, Emergency & crisis management, Conflict management, especially road rage, Female passenger safety in people logistics, Vehicle maintenance & sustainability, Statutory compliances, First aid during incidents / accidents amongst others. The program also included training drivers on behaviourial and softer aspects such as developing inter-personal skills, managing stress, coordinating with different teams.

Pirojshaw Sarkari, CEO, Mahindra Logistics, said, "We are delighted to have successfully completed the training for 10,000 drivers. I congratulate the team at Mahindra Logistics for this feat. Drivers are a key spoke of our entire ecosystem and they literally ‘Move’ the country’s economy. It is imperial for us that they are well trained and remain safe and secure. Through this program, we have trained drivers who not only work for us, but also from the industry at large." 

Anand Mahindra, Chairman, Mahindra, in his letter to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, says, "For me, this is a significant achievement as a responsible business group and I have no doubt that Mahindra Logistics will continue to support Make In India with their focus on Move in India while up-skilling drivers."

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