Vinod Yennemadi takes charge as Chairman of SVC Bank

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Mumbai : SVC Bank (SVC Co-operative Bank Ltd.), earlier known as The ShamraoVithal Co-operative Bank Ltd., has announced a new board of directors at the helm, post elections held recently. Vinod Yennemadi who has taken over the mantle of the Chairman, will be leading this 112 year old institution to the next level with a newly board of directors comprising experts from across banking, finance, engineering, technology, HR and other industries.

The announcement of the new board was made at the Bank’s AGM held on Friday, June 22, 2018. The new board has been elected for the term 2018-2019 to 2023-2024.

Vinod Yennemadi, Chairman expressed that, It is a privilege to lead this great institution and be a part of its 112 year old legacy. On behalf of the newly elected Board of Directors, I would like to thank each and every shareholder for their faith bestowed in us. I would like to assure all our stakeholders that we will continue to carry forward the legacy of SVC Bank and make our institution more profitable, consistently delivering on expectations, making it more futuristic and most importantly more participative and inclusive.

Notably, Yennemadi, FCA (England & Wales), ACA member of ICAI, has been a Professional Director on the Board of SVC Bank since 2012. Mr. Yennemadi brings with him a rich experience in the field of finance and banking by virtue of his positions held for over 23 years in leading corporate companies as Finance Director/Group Financial Advisor.

Thereafter he joined HDFC Bank at its inception, as Executive Director (Finance & Administration), where he worked till retirement in 2011. He is also an independent non-executive Director in a leading Pharmaceutical company.

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