Veena Malik performed Ummrah with Husband and adorable son

Veena Malik, Veena Malik on haj, Veena Malik on Ummrah, Asad khan, Abram khan, Veena Malik with Husband and son
New Delhi : Pakistani Actress Veena Malik Khan and her husband Asad khan have travelled once again To Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah for the second time since they got married in December 2013. 

This time their seven month's adorable son Abram khan has travelled with them and was seen performing Umrah, Abram khan wore Ehraam and was looking very cute. Ehraam is a specific dress worn during hajj and Umrah.

The actress constantly updating fans about her visit through Micro-blogging site Twitter, she wrote posted few tweets along with the pictures of their Ummrah, "Alhamdulilallah.... We just completed Umrah... Allah Pak Thank you for everything.... !!!, "Some are asking for something and some are asking for something else...O Allah! I beg of You to grant me Yourself."

Veena Malik and her husband Asad Khan said, "I am very happy to visit Holy Kabbah and get a chance to offer prayer. I seek blessing from Allah for me and my family and we had special prayers for the entire Muslim community to have peace and prosperity of our beloved people of India-Pakistan."

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