Inspired by Arvind Kejriwal’s party Beverage-maker launches 'AAP cola'

Aam Aadmi Party, Arvind Kejriwal, Jitender Keswani, Aap cola launched, AAP, new delhi CM
New Delhi : A beverages manufacturer who is inspired by Arvind Kejriwal'S Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has launched ‘AAP Cola’ on saturday in oath ceremony of Arvind Kejriwal as CM of New Delhi. The Aap Cola, which the promoters say is a cold drink for the “aam aadmi”.

According to reports, " Keswani and his family were present at the swearing-in ceremony of Arvind Kejriwal as the new chief minister at the Ramlila Ground where around 20,000 bottles of the AAP Cola were distributed free of cost."

Launched in four flavours- cola, lemon, orange and surprise- a 400ml pet bottle will be available for Rs. 15 across the city from Sunday. Jitender Keswani, who along with his family owns the company, said the cola is for the ‘common man’ who cannot afford to buy costly soft drinks of foreign companies.

“A common man- one who lives in slums, JJ Clusters-thinks twice before spending Rs 35-40 to buy a cold drink, so we have made the AAP cola which he can easily afford,” Keswani said.

“We were associated with Kejriwal and his whole team since the days of anti-graft movement led by Anna Hazare. We are a dedicated supporter of the party and now I feel proud that I can also contribute in my own way to the dream our Chief Minister once saw,” he said.

Keswani said the slogan given for the drink is the best. It reads, “Drink and fight for your right”.

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