Google is all set to bring balloon-powered Internet and wind energy to India

Google, Balloon Powered Internet, balloon-powered Internet and wind energy
The world's largest and number one search engine Google is all set to bring its internet project offering connectivity to remote areas here. India will soon be in the list of countries in which Google is set to provide its fantastical balloon-powered internet and kite-powered energy to the masses. But do not that both these projects are still far away from kick off as they are expected to be up and running only in 2016.

According to a new report by TOI, Google is in talks with the Indian government to introduce its Project Loon, an internet project that uses high-altitude balloons to offer affordable internet across the globe to people without any access.

Mohammad Gawdat, VP of business Innovation at Google X has said that the company is currently working ‘very closely’ with telecom providers and governments across the world in order to make it a reality.

The balloons from Google’s Project Loon are allowed to travel up to 20kms in the air, until they’ve reached the stratosphere. It’s from here that they are able to beam internet to a small number of users. A software algorithm helps the Google balloons stay in place even in windy conditions.

In association with Reliance Communications, Facebook has just launched its initiative in India. Under this program, subscribers of RCom’s network will be offered free access to thirty three websites.

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