Anoop Jalota’s Diwali party cum gazal album launch

Mumbai : Famous Bhajan singer Anoop Jalota hosted a private Diwali party at his residence in Shivaji Park, Dadar. The event coincided with the launch of his gazal album "Aashiqana" through hands of noted gazal singer Talat Aziz and was attended by some leading names from Bollywood, music and business world, namely - Sucihtra Krishnamoorti (singer and actress), Prem Kishan (actor), Dilip Piramal (Head, Samsonite), Aspi Patel (CTO, Birla Group), Usman Lakdawala (Builder), Lalitya Munshaw (singer), Sumit Tappu (singer), Priti Seth (singer) ,​ ​​Akruti Nagpal (actress​) and M​​ukesh Mishra ( ​Managing Director -IIEMR​)

On the occasion Talat Aziz said “Anoop is a good friend and a wonderful person I know of for decades, I am so happy that he has sung this nice romantic gazal album which will be a sure treat to all his fans and music lovers, I wish him great success”. 

At the launch Anoop Jalota said ”I have normally known for my bhajans and other filmy songs but even gazals are close to my heart and this album is one such effort to give a soothing melodious treat to all my fans and music lovers”. 

he further added “this album is writtern by Dr. Navroze Patel who is a Parsi and a doctor by profession but has exceptional skills in Urdu language and poetry which impressed me a lot and motivated me to do this album under Red Ribbon music company, the owner of which Lalitya Munshaw is herself a good singer and an avid promoter of such music albums. She and her team have done a wonderful job by bringing out this album in such a short time”.

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